The Steiner Family



Pour la version française


What is Natural Beef anyway?

At Bayview farm our natural beef come from animals that are born and raised on our farm and are never, fed animal by-products of any kind. No antibiotics in the feed and no hormone implants are given to our cattle. Natural beef means no artificial ingredients or preservatives.

Why do you age your beef?

We naturally dry age our beef for a minimum of 21 days to intensify the flavor and naturally increase the tenderness. Many beef suppliers cut and package the beef without aging the meat. At Bayview Farm, we consider aging the meat a vital step, and we take this extra step to produce and process our beef the old-fashion way.

Is you beef grass fed, or is it grain fed?

It is both! At Bayview Farm the cattle are on grass during the months of spring through fall. Then the larger calves are weaned from their mothers and are fed separately in the barn on a ration of hay, grass silage, corn silage and barley.

Can you tell me about freezers? How much meat will fit into my freezer?

One cubic foot of freezer space will hold approximately 22 to 28 pounds of beef. This is about half of the freezer above the refrigerator. A quarter beef requires a five cubic foot freezer, and a half will need an 8 cubic foot freezer.

Do you guarantee your beef?

Bayview Farm beef tastes so good; we guarantee you will like it. If you are not 100% satisfied with the quality of your purchase, we will replace or refund the unused portion of your order.

Do you deliver the beef?

We deliver with a minimum order of a $100.00, within a 25km radius. We can deliver to your door with a fee of $1 per km after 25 km, with a minimum order of $100.00.You can also pick up our beef order by appointment or during our store ours.

What kind of packaging should I expect?

At Bayview Farm packaging is all in clear vacuumed bags. When you order ¼ or ½, it will still be wrapped in clear bags with your specific order. Orders are done by phone, in which time we can help you place your order. We work with the Butcher directly to make sure your order is to your specks.